You don’t have to be a fan of Disney’s “The Mandalorian” to be familiar with Baby Yoda. This strangely adorable little creature has been popping up all over the Internet in memes and merchandise. He has quickly gained popularity, but this character is more than just a cute face. In fact, if you pay attention, you can learn a few valuable life lessons, too.
Trust Yourself
When it seems everyone around is pulling you in different directions, it can be hard to trust your gut and listen to your intuition. One of the most important life skills you can acquire is to quiet outside voices and make decisions that reflect your authentic self.
What does this have to do with Baby Yoda? Well, you might recall that when he first meets Mando, he chooses not to use his force to freeze him so that he can get away safely. To an outside observer, finding an escape probably seemed like the smart thing to do, but Baby Yoda knew Mando was his friend before Mando even did.
Look on the Bright Side
The “Star Wars” franchise no doubt has many devoted fans, but the emergence of “The Mandalorian,” featuring Baby Yoda (known only as “the Child”), has attracted a new demographic and lightened up the franchise’s typically dark storyline. With his emotive blue eyes and oversized coat, it’s no wonder he’s adored. His cuteness reminds us that even in the midst of danger and chaos, you can find pockets of joy.
You Have Value. Own It and Don’t Sell Yourself Short
Some fans have created their own Baby Yoda coffee mugs and t-shirts, although Disney waited to release official Baby Yoda merchandise until a few weeks after the show’s premiere. Disney claims they did this to avoid any spoilers about the character, but some critics argue they wanted to build hype and ensure the merchandise would sell quickly.
Whether it was an intentional marketing ploy or not, the buzz around Baby Yoda (and affiliated merchandise) is a lesson in believing in your own self-worth and letting that guide your decision making.
Whether you’re a lifelong Star Wars fan, or you just started watching The Mandalorian, Baby Yoda offers more than cute looks. He can also teach us a thing or two about honoring ourselves and improving our lives. Seek out the wisdom of your own inner Baby Yoda — and may the Force be with you.
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