Do you enjoy problem solving? Can you communicate well both in person and online? If so, an administrative assistant may be the ideal career for you. It can be very rewarding knowing you help make the business run smoothly.
An administrative assistant can learn office software, typing and related skills through high school courses and beyond, and must also develop time management skills. The boss relies on his assistant to keep him organized so the company can run efficiently, making the administrative assistant one of the most important people at the workplace.
Getting an Education
You can get an entry-level administrative assistant position with nothing more than a high school diploma. Take courses in word processing and office-related computer software applications if you want to best be prepared for the job tasks at hand. Technical schools and community colleges offer these classes.
On-the-job training may also help you become familiar with your job duties in just a few short weeks. You will learn how to prepare documents and follow administrative procedures. After at least two years as an administrative assistant, you may be eligible to take the Certified Administrative Professional certification that will help you advance to another level of the career, such as an office manager.
Benefits and Salary
Your salary as an administrative assistant depends on your length of employment and the location in which you work. The typical range of pay reaches from $22,000 to $62,230 at the higher end. The median rate was listed as $37,230 in May of 2016.
A Look at the Future
The estimated growth from 2014 to 2024 is projected at three percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There will be a need for more administrative assistants, even though there is a smaller projected rate than other related jobs. Medical secretaries have a better job outlook, with a 21 percent growth expected. If you look at specializing in this area, you can have excellent job security and still perform the same job duties you enjoy.