When you head to college, everyone wants to know what you will major in. Others may tell you to do what you are passionate about and maybe not decide right away. However, not all majors are created equal. If you are very into a subject and decide to pursue a major in it, you will also want to check out the career options afterward. Don’t just look at career outlooks on a college’s website but dive into what you will truly be doing and making after college. It doesn’t make sense economically to spend money on college for four years to earn a degree that doesn’t make enough money to support your lifestyle or have employment.
College is now costing around $30,000 per year. If you find a job that only makes $27,000 per year, you won’t be able to keep up with the debt you will have, plus the expenses of living the life you are.n If college I paid for through a scholarship or grant, you won’t feel as guilty pursuing a major that may not have the job prospects, but you will want to look to the future past college.
People may say do what you are passionate about, but the truth is you should choose a degree that will help you get a career you love. You may find that making a good income, having a stable career, and not worrying about your future feels great. Many times those careers will link in the things you are passionate about.
11 College Degrees to Avoid for Both Pay and Employment
- Liberal Arts and Humanities
- Social Work and Human Services
- Elementary Education
- History
- Fine Arts
- General Education
- Psychology
- Criminal Justice
- Sociology
- English language
- Literature
If you are in one of these degrees, take a look at your future in this major. To help you land a degree that makes you happy and helps you in the future, make sure to speak to your professors in the major, older college students, college graduates in your major, and even your counselor. Get a career plan together for your next four (or less) years so you know exactly where to head after graduation. If the pay or job prospect seems negative, you may want to reconsider your major and find a major you are interested in pursuing.