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The Right Way to Waste Time Online at Work

Everyone has been guilty of wasting time on the clock when they should be working. We might resort to cyberloafing — playing games online...

Tips for Asking for a Raise or Promotion

When it comes to moving up the corporate ladder, one thing is for certain; it can be a cut-throat process. There are plenty of...

This Fluffy Cloud Bread Is Gluten-Free and Made With Just 3 Ingredients

Texture is so important in food, and this fluffy cloud bread doesn’t disappoint. It’s soft enough to melt in your mouth and pulls apart...

Strange Degrees — and What You Can Do With Them

The words “college degree program” probably don’t stir up much excitement or garner any strange looks. After all, a college education is run-of-the-mill. Talking...

Best jobs with a law degree other than being a lawyer

Getting a law degree is hard work, but you may desire a career that fits your personality or lifestyle a little better once you...

7 Strange Scholarships You Didn’t Know Existed

Did you ever imagine that you could earn money for school just from studying a vegetable? Or that a full-ride scholarship could come your...

There are More Options for Financial Aid Before Going to College

When deciding to head to post-secondary education, the sticker shock can be overwhelming. But not all colleges are the same, and you would be...

Growing Jobs in the Medical Field That Only Require an Associate Degree

When you’re settling on a pricey degree plan, it’s important to know that you’re doing it to reach an end goal that will make...

The top growing job fields you can get into with a Communications degree.

Job opportunities in the market for communication degrees are plentiful, and here is a list of what they are. First, let’s learn about a...

Here’s Why You DON’T Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day

We’ve all heard that drinking 8 cups of water a day will help you stay hydrated. But it turns out that consuming 64 oz...

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