(DegreeAdvisers.com) – COVID-19 has uprooted the 2020 education system, leaving many college students wondering what the upcoming academic year will look like. Thanks to urging from federal officials, many colleges are feeling the pressure to reopen in the fall. Yet, with the recent resurgence in cases with lockdown restrictions being lifted, many schools are still trying to be cautious.
Most Colleges Are Reopening
If you’re still unsure what will become of your education this year, you may still be able to attend classes. USA Today reports that most colleges are resuming in-person classes or developing hybrid in-person/virtual plans for students.
That said, these plans are set to roll out without some extra rules and regulations. For example, the University of Michigan plans to reopen campuses this year, requiring students to wear face masks and participate in COVID-19 testing. Meanwhile, Brown and some other institutions will alternate the number of students it allows on campus at one time.
Reopening strategies range from limiting the classroom crowd to offering more online learning opportunities. Every plan is a little different, but each one is geared toward keeping students and faculty safe.
An Emphasis on Remote Learning
Due to the wealth of classroom technology available over the last several years, colleges everywhere have been slowly integrating more remote opportunities with their programs. Now, institutions are expediting the process.
Most college reopening plans include at least some remote components or the option for students to take their classes online. But there are a select few schools that are expecting to continue most or all of their instruction online for the Fall 2020 semester.
Some bigger schools, such as Harvard, are implementing multi-phase strategies that will require students to learn from a distance for the time being. Faculty members will stay home, and only some students will be allowed to live on campus.
Unsure What to Do Next?
Despite coronavirus fears, most college officials are still doing what they can to provide students with the optimal learning experience. Whether you’re a prospective student with a now uncertain future or your school isn’t returning to on-campus classes this fall, there are still options available to you.
Remote learning may not be the ideal college experience you were hoping for, but it will still allow you to earn credits and work toward your degree. More online classes may even become the new standard for some facilities thanks to increased technological advancements. For now, it’s best to take it day by day and make the most of the current situation, even if that means staying home instead of living on campus this semester.
The recent changes in education could look a little daunting, especially as some colleges make last-minute decisions because of COVID-19 developments. While this is a nerve-wracking time, it’s important to make the decision that works best for you and your family. Adaptability can go a long way during these strange times.
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