Looking to make a fresh start in 2019? We live in a gig-based economy, with more and more people doing very well with their own side hustles and small business ventures. All you have to do is identify your own skill set and build a business around it. The problem? Coming up with fresh ideas isn’t always easy. Let us help with this energizing list of options.
Are you skilled at making plumbing or electrical upgrades? Love to cook? Maybe you’re a whiz kid when it comes to repairing recent technological devices. You may have just the skills you need to grow a thriving new business in 2019. Check out some of these awesome ideas.
Ready for a Fresh New Start in 2019? It’s Time to Find a New Biz Op.
Trade Jobs
Not sure what type of work you want to do? Consider learning a skilled trade like carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, HVAC, or steelwork. It is estimated that more than 40 percent of today’s skilled trade workers will retire in the next 10 years. People were discouraged from pursuing trades for quite a while, mainly because their parents thought they should get a college education. Skilled trade workers can make a great deal of money, especially if they are reputable and open their own businesses.
Meal Sales
Love to cook? You don’t need to be a big name brand in order to put together meal kits. Better yet, put together home cooked meals so your consumers just have to heat them up. Utilizing local shops and farms to source the ingredients for your own cooked meals should give you an edge when it comes to targeting those in your immediate vicinity. Start by offering a limited menu and grow your offerings as business picks up.
Technology Repair
It seems like just about everyone has a smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, or some other form of technology on hand at all times. The cost to ship those things out and have them repaired — even simple screen repairs — can be astronomical. Anyone who has a strong grasp of technology and today’s newer small devices can easily open shop and offer computer repairs. You can charge a fair labor rate without marking up the cost of supplies quite as high as some of those other “geeks” do.
These are just a few examples of the jobs you can do on your own in the New Year. Skilled trades people have been around for a while, but there is a renewed need for trained workers and that always equals opportunity. Think outside the box and you may be surprised at how quickly your gig turns into a full-blown business.