Stressing over whether to work while you study, and risk being overwhelmed, or just try your best to survive off of student loans? The information in this post may surprise you or even shock you. Although most students see working as a significant cause of extra stress, it’s far more beneficial than it is harmful – and you just might graduate in a better position than your non-working classmates. Keep reading to learn more.
Going back to school is undeniably beneficial, but it can be time-consuming and expensive. Working is one solution, but what if you become overwhelmed and your grades suffer? Rest assured; those fears are likely unfounded. Working your way through school is associated with a higher GPA, increased efficiency, better time management, higher future earnings, and a long list of other benefits we’ll tell you about right here, in this post.
Combine Work and Study to Excel and Succeed.
Higher GPA
It’s easy to assume that working will leave less time for studying, and therefore, negatively impact your grades, but that isn’t entirely accurate for everyone. Most research shows that student employment is only detrimental to grades when students work over 20 hours per week.
The fix? Work between one and 19 hours a week instead. Your efforts may actually help you improve your GPA by a small percentage.
Increased Efficiency and Time Management
Around 74 percent of working students say their jobs forced them to be more efficient, but 64 percent also reported being more stressed. But organization and time management skills, all of which you develop by working, can positively impact classes and the educational experience. These soft skills are also useful after college, meaning you can take them with you into the workforce.
Higher Future Earnings
There’s no direct correlation between higher future earnings and student employment. That said, college students who work are more likely to enroll in graduate school, improving future opportunities for a higher income. People with graduate degrees earn an average of $15,000 more when compared to graduates with only a bachelor’s degree. Just bear in mind that results may vary depending on industry and field.
Resume Boost
Working in college is a great way to get your resume ready for your future dream job. Find an internship or entry-level, part-time roll in the industry you want to go into and graduate with more experience than your classmates. It will make you more competitive in the long run, as well as keeping you up to date on industry practices and expectations. That’s valuable real-world experience others might not have.
Career Experimentation
If you’re not sure what you want to do after college, jobs can also be a great way to test different fields. Don’t be afraid to jump around and try different things, because if you can figure out what you want to do while you’re in school, you can avoid a lot of job-hopping after graduation.
Around 30 percent of college students change their major at least once in the first three years of school. The faster you can figure out what you want to do, the quicker you can graduate and enter the workforce.
Learn to Budget
The majority of people live on a budget (especially students). But figuring out how to budget for success? That’s an acquired skill. If you have a job in college, you’re more likely to rely more on yourself to make ends meet. This forces you to pay attention to your finances and make more of an effort to gain those soft skills earlier on. Less financial stress makes you more equipped for the real world.